Castello di Vincigliata, un classico senza tempo per un matrimonio sulle colline di Firenze

Il Castello di Vincigliata si trova ad un paio di chilometri dal mio studio in Fiesole e quindi tutte le volte che mi capita di essere il fotografo di un matrimonio in quella location, mi sembra di giocare in casa. Certamente è un luogo che emana un fascino particolare, una cornice unica con una vista […]

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Ceremony with view, an amazing and unique venue for a wedding in Florence

Colleagues, sometimes to make a joke sometimes because they really believe in, ask me why there are so many ‘good’ photographers in Tuscany. Well apart myself – there are much much better than me – this consideration has its foundation. Not only by the number of wedding photography contest won internationally, which is absolutely not a reference two-way, but objectively […]

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From Tel Aviv to Siena, a country chic wedding in tuscan countryside

Arriving at Fontebussi, in the beautiful Tuscan countryside, during the sunrise is a unique emotion. The mist of the morning is not raised, the silence of the fields, the geometrical run of the vineyards in the rolling hills of Arezzo, prepares my soul and mind, you work better, shooting better. The preparation of the bride begins. […]

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Seeing the world of Weddings in Black & White

About black and white photography. The chosen. I remember the words of the famous American photographer, Steve McCurry, in response to the question why he took photos just in color, he answered simply: the world is in color because I should see it in black and white. There followed a series of considerations that the Photography was […]

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Infrared on wedding, a dreaming photography

It has been nearly twenty years since I entered for the first time into the infrared photography world. At that time there was a film produced by Kodak usually used for scientific or military purposes, me, but I was certainly not the first, I began to use it in wedding photography. Infrared film had many problems in […]

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Unplugged wedding

Navigando in rete mi sono imbattuto in un articolo pubblicato sul blog con il quale collaboro nella pubblicazione di real wedding di matrimoni ebraici. L’ho trovato molto curioso e ne ho voluto tradurre delle parti, quelle che mi sembravano più significative e interessanti, in modo che delle future coppie di sposi possano prenderne spunti e […]

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Siddhi e Patrick, la bellezza indiana incontra l’uomo latino (at the end the english text)

Immersi nella splendida cornice di Borgo Corsignano nella campagna Toscana e nel cuore del Casentino, luoghi non conosciuti dal turismo di massa e per questo ricchi ancora di fascino e mistero, si sono sposati Siddhi e Patrick. Hanno voluto concentrare in un unico posto preparazione, cerimonia e festa che hanno condiviso con parenti e amici […]

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